Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Facebook is a harsh mistress

There's something ironic about having been pushed to Facebook by collective peer pressure at the age of 34 and having reconnected with so many of my high school friends. Then again, I don't recall giving into much peer pressure in high school. How else to explain why I was a complete tool. My avoidance of most things other people seemed to enjoy led me from high school to four exciting years in college with nearly the same girlfriend and no stories, good or bad, involving drugs and/or alcohol. On the bright side, the first time one of my daughters calls home drunk in college she won't be able to say, "Oh, dad, I know you and mom used to do it all the time!" That statement will be half true but she don't gots to know that.

Facebook has been a little bit of a revelation. I've avoided it for quite a while and for exactly the reasons I mention above: because most people seem to like it. I didn't want to be "that guy." But, the fact is, if nothing else it allows you to manage friendships, past and present, with the proper amount of distance in almost anonymity. I think I'm going to enjoy this. It's a mostly pleasurable walk down memory lane. Girls I haven't talked to in decades, guys I haven't seen since the early '90s. It hadn't been written yet, but if there was a song to sum up my high school year's in their entirety, I'd have to go with Ben Folds' "Best Imitation of Myself." It's not a perfect match, but I connect with Ben a little bit in that song. Who knows.

Back in the present, I'm glad to have power and internet access. My satellite has been searching for a signal for most of the afternoon leaving us time to catch up on shows we've DVR'd. It's back to work in the a.m. regardless of the road conditions.

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